The Ultimate Chia Farming experience

XCH / TiB / Day (30d)
Effort (30d)
101.708 %
Pool Space (24h)
41.958 PiB (0.139%)
Net SpaceHeightDifficultyValue
Chia29.499 EiB5,299,80610,432€28.77 Start Farming
Last Payment
Last Block
103.549 %

automatically updated every 5 minutes

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🇬🇧 🇺🇸 Dear Farmers, We have now released the latest version of the pool **v2.1.4** which includes some changes related to clients accepted in the pool. The pool server was restarted and some proofs were lost in the process. There are farmers sending proofs with invalid Clients. Please review your client version in the patch notes. Thank you for your preference.

🇬🇧 🇺🇸 Dear Farmers, It was brought to my attention the fact that GH has more than one address to collect block fees. I will prepare a hotfix to add these missing addresses and I will also run the same tool we made and used in the past to correct historically taxed blocks. Special thanks to John Block. Thanks and good farming!

🇬🇧 🇺🇸 Dear Farmers, tomorrow, April 3rd - probably in the morning (11 UTC) we will do a quick maintenance on the pool server. It will be necessary to restart the server which means a downtime of less than 5m. Thank you for your preference and good farming!

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