Das ultimative Chia-Farmerlebnis

XCH / TiB / Tag (30d)
Aufwand (30 Tage)
106,875 %
Pool-Platz (24 Stunden)
21.216 PiB (0.114%)
Chia18.137 EiB6.288.98512.99229,05 € Farmen starten
Letzte Zahlung
Letzter Block
4,005 %

automatisch alle 5 Minuten aktualisiert

Bild gewährt von pngtree.com

Alle Informationen, die Sie benötigen


🇬🇧 🇺🇸 Dear farmers, there was an update on the website server that caused some instability. We took the opportunity to fix some bugs on the website and also some errors with our Discord Bot. Patch notes now available on the respective channel. Thanks and good farming!

🇬🇧 🇺🇸 Dear farmers, the following 6 new currencies have been added to the pool: - CAD: Canadian dollar - CHF: Swiss Franc - SEK: Swedish Krona - NOK: Norwegian Krone - ZAR: South African Rand - SGD: Singapore dollar Since we were already collecting the price information from the beginning, it means we have all the historical exchange values ​​for these currencies. Thanks for your preference and good farming!

🇬🇧 🇺🇸 I deployed a hotfix for new farmers. Only 1 farmer was affected: 269981bc8df..........5b78e95dc24a67 It will be necessary to rejoin the pool: -> Solo -> Pool

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