Frequently Asked Questions

No, our pool only supports Chia Official Pooling Protocol where only the portable plots (through plotNFTs) are supported.
PPLNS means 'pay per last number of shares'. PPLNS24 is related to the last 24 hours while PPLNS is dynamic - since the last farmed block
Each 30 minutes our Distribution algorithm will run and distribute all farmed blocks not yet processed. If more than 24 hours have passed since the last farmed block, then all shares since that block will be counted. Otherwise the system will only count the last 24h.
When there is a distribution and you have valid shares for that round, you will be credited with your share on your pool account. Then, every hour, the system will check if there are any farmers that have reached the payout limit and transfer all the pending funds to them.
During the conversion of the funds in points for each farmer, sometimes there are a few mojo that are added to the pool tax.
When you leave the Pool, after 3 hours have passed, all your points will be reseted. For now the pending balance will stay untouched. If a distribution takes place and you have left the pool, your points are also reseted and you wont be paid.
Whenever the farmer sends a proof with more than 38s he will be penalized (receives negative points) by the value of his current difficulty. Example: If a farmer has 10 difficulty and submits a partial with 50s, he will receive -10 points. One of the main reasons we have this system is to ensure that all of our farms operate at their maximum efficiency.
To start earning points, each farm must reach a minimum threshold of 0.9 TiB of Proven Space (about 9 plots). We implemented this system as a way of mitigating dead weight.

The difficulty mode allows a farmer to chose between different settings to tweak how the automatic difficulty works. The following modes are available:

Difficulty ModePartialsPeriodppm

The period influences 2 things, the frequency of the difficulty updates and also the period that is scanned

As by the current legislation in Portugal, where does the Leaf Pool has its headquarters, our reward distribution system does not imply a special operating license, and not only that, its also exempt from any taxes related to cyptomining activities.
If you need any help or support, please contact us on our official Discord. You will find a link on the bottom of the page.